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This time of year, there’s lots of lovely content (including on our site!) about Easter, and we absolutely love reading all about it.

But in Judaism, there’s an equally important holiday that happens around the same time every year, and we believe it should be featured just as prominently: Passover. Whether you’ve been observing Passover your whole life, gearing up to head to your first-ever Seder, or simply interested in learning more–you’ve come to the right place.


Holiday History:
Passover has a rich and important history, and this resource is one of our favorites for understanding the origin. If you’ve ever heard of the burning bush, or heard the phrase “let my people go,” reading the story will help you understand their place and significance in Jewish history.

Holiday Traditions:
Passover is observed for seven or eight days, depending where you are. It typically starts with a Seder at sundown on the first night, which, in 2023, is April 5th.

The Menu

No two Passover seders are exactly alike, but there are a few culinary through-lines that run through many of them, outside of the traditional seder plate.

Matzo ball soup. Even if you’re not Jewish, you’ve probably had (and most likely thoroughly enjoyed) some matzo ball soup in your life. We love Joan Nathan’s recipe.

Brisket. One of our favorite parts of the Passover meal: brisket. Though it’s a 2+ day process that involves days of marinating, Alison Roman’s recipe is more than worth the trouble.

Kugel: Though you can enjoy kugel in many forms throughout the year, during Passover, the recipe is a little more specific (don’t show up to a Passover seder with noodle kugel–no one will be able to eat it). We love Tori Avey’s recipe.

Wine. Though Manischewitz is traditionally what’s served, a kosher wine is never out of place on a Passover table. We’re big fans of Stoudemire Wines.

What Not to Bring

If you’re a guest at a Passover seder and would like to bring something, try your best to stick to traditional foods. If you want to do something different, just make sure to avoid the following ingredients: wheat, barley, spelt, oats, and rye. These foods are referred to as hametz, which means “leavened.”

Some people, typically those who identify as Askhenazi (as opposed to Sephardic), avoid kitniyot as well. Kitniyot means “legumes.” If you’d like to avoid kitniyot, refer to this resource for more information on what that entails.

Also, we’d recommend avoiding pork, shellfish, or anything that involves a mix of meat and dairy (not kosher–literally).

What to Wear

In certain cases, the person leading the seder will wear white, and even that is contingent on how religious you are. Outside of that, there aren’t a ton of dress restrictions for Passover, but a nice pair of pants (not jeans) and a great top are always a good bet.


Happy Pesach! We hope this article helped to educate & inspire you on some of the most important holidays of the Jewish year. If you use any of our seder tips, tag us on social media using #casadesuna.

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