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If Halloween is the type of holiday that elicits nothing more than an eye-roll from you, we get it.

It’s chaotic and stressful in major cities, and largely kid-driven in smaller ones. But we’re here to tell you that you can reclaim the holiday: by incorporating a few of our hosting hacks–read on for a few of our favorite ways to celebrate with style and ease (no matter what holiday you’re celebrating).

Make it impromptu

One way to take the stress of prep out of your party? Don’t overplan! In fact, an impromptu dinner party is often our favorite way to celebrate.

If the idea sounds like a good one, but you’re not sure where to begin–head here to learn why impromptu dinner parties are one of our favorite ways to entertain.

Perfect your playlist

Sometimes, all a party needs is a good playlist–we did the legwork for you and put together some favorites here–all you need to do is press play.

Set your table with style

A little bit of effort put towards table-setting can go a very long way. Understanding the etiquette behind doing things properly is the first step, so head here to learn what an etiquette coach has to say about getting it done.

Keep things casual-host a happy hour

Celebrations don’t always need to entail a full-blown dinner. In fact, sometimes a happy hour is all people want. It doesn’t have to be hard; just head here for our simple, four-step guide.

Keep cocktails stocked

Speaking of happy hours, if you are going that route–ensure your cocktail bar is stocked. Here’s our advice for making that happen.

How to Build the Perfect Charcuterie Board

Even if you don’t serve a meal–nothing pleases a crowd like some delicious charcuterie. Want to assemble the perfect board? Look no further.

Don’t worry that it falls on a weeknight

Yes, Halloween is on a Tuesday this year. But that’s no reason not to entertain. Here’s how to make it work.


Try any of our entertaining tips? Tag us on social media using #casadesuna.

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