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During the winter months, when you’re spending more time at home than ever, it’s normal if your space feels a bit…crowded.

But don’t let it feel daunting; there’s lots of simple decluttering you can do to make your space feel fresh, whether winter is coming, or summer is here.

You don’t need to have a massive home or serious closet space to properly store your items for the season. In fact, the best storage systems make maximum use of minimum space.

Tip 1: Sort specialized items

When it comes to storing (fragile) festive favorites like ornaments, you should always look for specific pieces, like The Container Store’s handy ornament storage bin. And if you go faux for Christmas wreaths and trees–no judgment, far less mess–you’ll need specialized storage for those, too: these are our favorites.

For summer storage, items like outdoor furniture also warrant special treatment. We think it’s worth splurging on protective equipment like these sun umbrella covers (though there are more budget-friendly options, too) and feel strongly that outdoor cushions should be stored properly in bags, not stuffed in a corner.

Step 2: Designate a “drawer”

This isn’t a season-specific tip–it’s more of a tip for all seasons. You know the drawer. We all have one; it’s the place where, no matter how hard you try, endless amounts of junk seem to pile up.

Our philosophy? Don’t fight it; but do contain it. You’re bound to get wedding invites and holiday cards you want to keep, and you’ll need a space to store random household items you don’t use on a daily basis, but might need eventually. That way, you can ensure the rest of your space stays clean, while not stressing about the fact that accumulating a random household item is going to send your storage system into chaos.

Step 3: Care for your clothes

Lighter and less bulky, summer clothes are easier to store than winter–that is, until you accumulate too many of them. If you live in a temperate climate, you’re likely familiar with the fact that clothing like bathing suits, sundresses, and denim shorts somehow end up taking up way more space than you thought they would. Then there’s the added issue of not knowing when to bring them out or put them away–it always seems like there’s a surprise snowstorm the day after we decide to start wearing our shorts, or a heat wave just when we think we’re safe to move into sweater weather.

If you can relate, you’re in luck. Because our recent obsession with vacuum-packed storage bags means we can squeeze all of our summer clothing into an airtight space and see it all, so if we need to grab an item for a warm day that comes out of nowhere–we know where to look.

The even better news? Vacuum-packed bags are also ideal for storing bigger items like comforters and quilts when the weather warrants a change in bedding.

With regards to winter storage, the most important thing to do is ensure your wardrobe is ready, and the good news in that department is that we’ve done an entire article on winterizing your closet with tips from a professional organizer, so you’ll be as prepared as possible.


Did you use any of our tips to declutter? Tag us on social media using #casadesuna.

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