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Every year, we eagerly anticipate summer’s arrival–but this year, we’re going to spend the waiting period before vacation season officially begins on some serious prep.

While we love summer’s infectious (and let’s be honest, sometimes frenetic) energy, it tends to mean that we shift our focus to social gatherings–more on our tips for 2024 soirees soon–and don’t spend as much time at home cooking unless we’re hosting. I mean, who wants to sweat in front of a hot oven when there are beach days to be had? We don’t.

But there’s another way to stay organized, keep your fridge stocked, and feed yourself healthy foods without spending hours in the kitchen: foods that either don’t require the oven or are fabulous eaten cold. Read on for our faves.



Round-Up: Refreshing Recipe Picks for Summer by Casa de Suna

Crunchy Cabbage Peanut Slaw

This crunchy slaw is a deeply delicious light lunch on its own, and a fabulously healthy dinner when topped with cold tofu and soba. Once you’ve tried peanut and lime together in a dressing, you’ll find it hard to go back. Plus, cabbage is an ultra-hearty vegetable which won’t wilt in the summer heat.

Round-Up: Refreshing Recipe Picks for Summer by Casa de Suna

Club Salad with Homemade Ranch

Okay, so this requires bacon, but trust us, it’s worth the few minutes on the stovetop for the flavorful payoff. Grab some leftover rotisserie chicken, whip up our easy homemade ranch, and toss it all together for your new favorite salad. This salad will mentally transport you poolside at your favorite country club–even if you’re enjoying it from the comfort of an office desk.

Round-Up: Refreshing Recipe Picks for Summer by Casa de Suna

Energy Bites with Dates and Pistachios

Sometimes during the summer, we feel like we’re in a state of constant motion. And while we may feel more naturally energetic in summer thanks to the extra daylight hours, sometimes we need a little boost. That’s why we always keep our energy bites with dates and pistachios on hand. They’re like your favorite sweet treat–but packed with fiber for a nutritious kick. Make them in advance of any long travel days and thank us later.

Round-Up: Refreshing Recipe Picks for Summer by Casa de Suna

Pan Con Tomate

A classic in Spain since the late 1800s, pan con tomate has staying power for a reason: it’s both simple and incredibly delicious. Simply combine high quality tomatoes and flaky sea salt over grilled (don’t worry, this should only take 1-2 minutes per side), garlic rubbed sourdough. Que aprofiti.

Round-Up: Refreshing Recipe Picks for Summer by Casa de Suna

Fresh Ricotta with Olive Oil and Herbs

Care for a side with your pan con tomate? Allow us to introduce: homemade ricotta. We know it sounds intimidating, but trust us, it’s easier than you think.


Did you make any of our refreshing summer recipes? Tag us on social media using #casadesuna

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