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Here at Casa de Suna, we love to live off the land (or water) around us.

From beekeeping to gardening, our family has always found ritual in the act of making our own home goods and ingredients. After an extended stay in Barbados, we felt inspired to try something new: making our own salt. 

The best part? You can try it too. All you need is access to an ocean. We recommend finding the most pristine water in your area (pro tip: try to avoid areas of runoff). 

Sea Salt

Use a one-gallon water bottle to collect the water. (We love a good impromptu excursion.) Then, you can place the water in a large pot and bring it to a boil over high heat. Boil for at least six minutes to kill all the bacteria. Reduce to medium heat and continue to boil, stirring frequently. Cook until all that remains are crystals and a small amount of moisture. (Hint: One quart of water at full boil reduces in about 45 minutes).

Consolidate the salt into one baking sheet and set in an oven with the pilot light on. Leave overnight to dry completely.

Now, it’s time to make the salt your own.

Lavender Salt

For this recipe, we recommend using an English lavender. If you can access it fresh, you can pick it on a dry, sunny morning, just before the flower buds have opened. If not, see if your local florist has it in stock.


  • 1-2 teaspoons fresh English lavender buds
  • ½ cup sea salt

In a clean jar, combine the salt and lavender. (Pro tip: make sure the lavender is dry before combining with the salt.)

Lime-Chili Salt


  • 1 cup sea salt
  • ¼ cup lime zest (from about 6 large limes)
  • 2 tablespoons chili powder

Combine the salt, lime zest, and chili powder in a small cellar and serve immediately. This is great for garnishing cocktails, seasoning tortillas, or as a finishing salt on your favorite dish.


Share your homemade salt with us on social media @casadesuna.

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