3 Ways to Use Lavender

By Casa de Suna

Published Jul 21

Here at Casa de Suna, we treasure simplicity.

So, our rituals and routines are often rooted in just a few of our favorite things—and we make them work in many ways.

Take lavender, for example. It’s a common household herb that’s often associated with its fragrance and beauty. But, what many people don’t realize is that it’s more than just a pretty flower. Here, we’ll share our family secrets for using this age-old herb.

In Our Homes:

We love putting dried lavender in our drawers. It keeps your clothes smelling fresh. And, honestly, it’s just a simple act that makes us feel extra special. You can even add a sachet under your pillow to help you fall sound asleep. Shop our picks or make your own.

In Our Wellness Routines:

The fragrance from the oils in lavender plants is proven to promote calmness and wellness, which is exactly why it’s our pick for bathtime. Double down on all of its relaxing, skin-soothing benefits by adding Epsom salt to your soak. Shop our picks or make your own mix.

In Our Recipes:

How do you use lavender in your homes? Share your stories with us on Instagram @casadesuna.

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